About Vermont Freedom to Marry

Vermont Freedom to Marry the nonprofit, all-volunteer resource for marriage equality in Vermont that spearheaded the successful effort to secure the freedom to marry for the state’s same-sex couples. VFM continues to raise awareness around the unfair and uneven patchwork of marriage laws across the U.S., and works toward the full freedom to marry for all Americans.

Vermont Freedom to Marry is an Equality Federation member organization.

The Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force:

VFMTF Board of Directors:

The Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. For questions or more information, contact:

091611 SRA & Bailey 005

Sheryl Rapée-Adams, Chair (Montpelier)
Email: [email protected]
Cell Phone: (802) 353-7286

2011 Diane Fuchs

Diane Fuchs, Secretary/Treasurer (Essex Junction)

2011 Ernie McLeodErnest McLeod (Middlebury)

Vermont Freedom to Marry social welfare organization dedicated to full civil marriage equality for same-sex couples in Vermont. VFMAC lobbies for the fair and inclusive treatment of same-sex couples in Vermont’s marriage laws. Our activities include:

Legislative lobbying

Grassroots lobbying, including online advocacy, field organizing and legislative contact by supporters

Engagement in campaign activities

Issue advocacy

Other Freedom to Marry Organizations:
Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force

Vermont Fund for Families

None available at this time.

None available at this time.

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