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Political Update

Support for the freedom to marry in Vermont outpolls opposition by nearly a 20-point margin according to a January 2009 poll by independent polling agency Macro International, Inc., and overall, Vermonters are slightly more likely to vote for a leader … Lanjutkan membaca

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Volunteer for VFM

1. Volunteer at community events and county fairs Sign up to help educate Vermonters and connect with supporters we wouldn’t otherwise reach at community events and county fairs. You can help staff our informational table at various events around the … Lanjutkan membaca

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About Vermont Freedom to Marry

Vermont Freedom to Marry the nonprofit, all-volunteer resource for marriage equality in Vermont that spearheaded the successful effort to secure the freedom to marry for the state’s same-sex couples. VFM continues to raise awareness around the unfair and uneven patchwork … Lanjutkan membaca

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How You Can Help

What you can do to help move marriage equality forward: Click here to sign the Marriage Resolution and stay in touch with Vermont Freedom to Marry. We never share supporter information with anyone else. Make a tax-deductible donation to the … Lanjutkan membaca

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Wedding Announcements

We’re happy to post your wedding announcements for the world to see and celebrate! Please see below for submission instructions. Donate to Vermont Freedom to Marry in honor of newlyweds to honor them and protect the freedom to marry at … Lanjutkan membaca

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FAQ for Couples Who Want to Marry, or Who Are Joined in Marriage or Civil Union

When did Vermont’s law allowing same-sex couples to legally marry take effect? Vermont’s marriage equality law took effect on September 1, 2009. As of that date, same-sex couples can obtain Vermont marriage licenses, but can no longer obtain civil union … Lanjutkan membaca

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Resources for Individuals and Families

THE PROTECT YOURSELF, YOUR FAMILY, AND YOUR DREAMS CHECKLIST Vermont Freedom to Marry’s pamphlet, subtitled “Legal and Financial Planning Strategies for Same-Sex Couples & LGBTQ Individuals”: Download 2012 Protect Yourself, Your Family, etc Checklist SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS AND THE DEFENSE … Lanjutkan membaca

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Wedding Resources

Here are valuable wedding planning resources for same-sex couples looking to marry in Vermont: A listing of wedding officiants who would love to perform your wedding ceremony; links to some relevant Vermont travel and tourism sites; and some questions and … Lanjutkan membaca

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Marriage & Relationship Laws throughout the U.S.

States with the freedom to marry do not ban same-sex couples from entering into legal marriages. Some states also offer comprehensive relationship recognition, such as domestic partnerships or civil unions, to same- and opposite-sex couples. Laws allowing same-sex couples to … Lanjutkan membaca

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Update: Another day, another refusal to follow the law. This morning, Rowan County clerk Kim Davis (who has reportedly been married four times herself) again refused to issue marriage licenses, despite having her stay request denied yesterday by the U.S. … Lanjutkan membaca

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