Support for the freedom to marry in Vermont outpolls opposition by nearly a 20-point margin according to a January 2009 poll by independent polling agency Macro International, Inc., and overall, Vermonters are slightly more likely to vote for a leader who supports including gay and lesbian couples in legal marriage.
Poll Reaffirms Vermonters’ Support for Freedom to Marry
Pollsters asked 400 Vermonters from around the state for their views about whether gay and lesbian couples should be able to legally marry. A strong majority of respondents—58%– supported or leaned in favor of legal marriage for gay and lesbian couples, while only 39% opposed or leaned against. These totals match those of an October, 2008 Macro International poll in Vermont on the same question, reflect a modest increase in support for the right to marry relative to Macro’s February, 2008 poll, and show a market increase in support for marriage equality since 2006.
Pollsters also asked Vermonters how they would respond if an elected official in Vermont supported legal marriage for gay and lesbian couples. Half the respondents indicated that that would not affect their vote either way, slightly more than a quarter indicated that they would be more likely to support that person, and 22% said they would be less likely to support that person.
Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force commissioned the poll, and the margin of error was +/- 5%. The specific questions and responses are broken down below:
Question: Which of the following comes closest to your view about whether or not gay and lesbian couples should be able to legally marry:
I support legal marriage for gay and lesbian couples: 45%
I am leaning toward support for legal marriage: 13%
I am leaning against support for legal marriage: 4%
I do not support legal marriage for gay and lesbian couples: 35%
Don’t know: 2%
Refused: 1%
Download original polling data for this question
Question: Which of the following best describes how you would respond if an elected official in Vermont supported legal marriage for gay and lesbian couples.
I would be more likely to vote for that person: 26%
I would be less likely to vote for that person: 22%
It would not affect my vote one way or the other: 50%
Don’t know: 1%
Refused: 1%
Download original polling data for this question
October 2008 Poll: 58% percent of Vermonters support Equality
A Macro International poll released in October 2008 demonstrates that 58% of Vermonters support legal marriage for same-sex couples, while only 39% either oppose legal marriage for same-sex couples or are leaning that direction. This poll reflects that marriage equality for same-sex couples is no longer a divisive issue in the state and that Vermonters want to treat their gay and lesbian neighbors fairly and equally. (Download PDF of poll.)
Montpelier_vermont_state_house_20_2Contact your legislators today! Email Gov. Jim Douglas and your local legislators to let them know that you support marriage equality and to encourage them to vote YES on the anticipated marriage equality bill in 2009.
Hearings Held in Vermont from August 2007 to April 2008 Demonstrates Support for Marriage Equality
House Speaker Gaye Symington and Senate President Pro Tem Peter Shumlin launched the Vermont Commission on Family Recognition and Protection to study same-sex marriage in Vermont. The Commission consisted of 11 volunteer members and was chaired by Tom Little of Shelburne, an attorney and a former member of the Vermont House. The Commission held eight public hearings around the state to provide Vermonters the opportunity to have their say on whether Vermont should continue to deny same-sex couples the right to marry.
Testimony in support of marriage rights for same-sex couples outweighed the opposition 20 to 1. Download the Commission’s final report issued in April 2008 Download commission_pdf.
2007 Doyle Poll Reflects that Vermonters are ready for Marriage Equality!
Doyle_pollThe 2007 Doyle Poll demonstrates that Vermonters support marriage rights for same-sex couples. Nearly 7,000 Vermonters across the state took the Doyle Poll on Town Meeting Day and 54% support same-sex marriage, while only 37% oppose it.
Read WPTZ’s news coverage of the Doyle Poll.
Another 2007 Poll Demonstrates support for Marriage Equality!
A poll released in March of 2008 by ORC Macro demonstrates that support for marriage equality out paces the opposition by a 20-point margin. Vermonters support for equal rights continues to grow.